Media Releases
The undersigned organisations are writing to request that you urgently reverse the proposed funding cuts to legal assistance services under the Attorney-General’s Portfolio, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services (ATSILS), its peak body National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services (NATSILS), Community Legal Centres (CLCs) and Legal Aid Commission (LAC).
Today, on Close the Gap day, the peak body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services, NATSILS called upon the federal government to put justice targets into the Closing the Gap Strategy as a matter of priority.
Today, the peak body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services NATSILS, called upon the federal government to reverse their decision of funding cuts to member organisations across the country.
Today National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services (NATSILS) welcomed the Labor Party’s commitment to addressing the crisis levels of family violence through additional funding and a National Crisis Summit.
On the anniversary of the National Apology to Australia’s Indigenous Peoples, the peak bodies for Community Legal Centres (CLCs), Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services (ATSILS) and Family Violence Prevention Legal Centres (FVPLS) call on the Australian Government to end uncertainty about funding and provide direct and adequate levels of Commonwealth funding to legal assistance services.
A group of leading Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, community and human rights organisations meeting in Sydney today have called for national leadership to address the crisis levels of incarceration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and create safer communities.
The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services (NATSILS) has called on the Prime Minister to intervene to prevent funding cuts that the Northern Territory Chief Justice has said will “strike a blow to the heart of the justice system”.
Today the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services (NATSILS) welcome the release of the Productivity Commission’s Access to Justice Arrangements Report which argues against the funding cuts announced by the Commonwealth Government, which are said to be targeted at defunding law reform and advocacy activities, and calls for an annual injection of $200m to the legal assistance sector.
A coalition of national Aboriginal, human rights and campaign organisations from across Australia have today welcomed the release of the 2014 Social Justice Report, and called on governments around the country to implement the recommendations. The broad based coalition is working together to develop new approaches to tackle the unacceptable rates of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander imprisonment and create ... Read More
Just as this week’s Productivity Commission Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage report revealed a shocking increase of almost 60 percent in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander incarceration rates over the last decade, NATSILS are disappointed to hear that the Government has back flipped on its commitment to introduce justice targets as part of the Closing the Gap policy agenda, a move which ... Read More